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Chocolate Factory (Museum):

This Museum is located in Cologne, Germany. I believe this was the first chocolate Museum I have ever been to. It was so cool to see how chocolate was made and how Germans make their chocolate (chocolate is one of the many things Germany is famous for). I meant to leave with a chocolate sculpture, but they were pretty expensive (8 to 15 Euro). There were people giving out samples of chocolate though. Those were pretty good. We got to see the kinder eggs and the history of toys that came with them over the years from the beginning to today's toys. My husband thought it was weird that I didn't grow up with kinder eggs in the U.S. I found out that kinder eggs are actually banned in the U.S because kids kept choking on the toys. Figures that the U.S would be the dumb one to have something like chocolate banned. I don't like them anyways, so I don't think I missed out on much (because I'm not a fan of white chocolate). They had chocolate bears, unicorns, bunnies, and more. Too bad we couldn't read the history of the chocolate since it was all in German, but I'd still recommend going and seeing how they make the chocolate. Can't say no to free chocolate!

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